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Have a burning question? Check out our FAQ's Below to see if we've answered your question.
- How can I edit or cancel my online order?
Once you've placed your online order, head to your account page and click edit/cancel next to the order you'd like to change.
Please note: you can only do this before the order has been fulfilled and shipped. After this, contact our team as soon as possible.
- How can I track my online order?
We ship with Austalia Post and StarTrack. Once your order has been updated with tracking numbers, you will receive an email notification with links to track your parcel.
If you did not supply your email to us, you can contact us for assistance.
- I'm an international customer. How can I place an order?
Welcome! Unfortunately, at this stage our website is designed for domestic purchases only. This is because the majority of our stocked items cannot be re-exported to international markets.
- What's the process of acquiring firearms?
Acquiring firearms can sound pretty tricky. To help you better understand the process, click Here for a detailed overview.
If you're in Queensland and would like to acquire a firearm from Rebel Gun Works:
1. Contact our friendly sales team to confirm the availability of the firearm.
2. Purchase the firearm, using one of our flexible payment options:
- Place a minimum 25% deposit on the firearm, with the total amount to be finalised within 6 weeks
- Ask our sales team for a quote on the paid in full price of the firearm
3. Apply for a Queensland Permit to Acquire (PTA) online, using our details as the registered owner and disposer.
*Please note that permits may be issued on average 5-7 business days from application date if firearms are already on your licence. If it is the first firearm to be acquired, the PTA may be issued after 28 days.
Don't have a licence? Click here to apply.
4. Pay the balance of the firearm and choose from the following:
- Bring your PTA in store for brokerage (no fee applicable if purchasing firearms from us)
- Send the original copy of the PTA to us for brokerage. We are able to send firearms to licensed individuals in Queensland. Further postage and handling fees may be applicable.
If you're in a state other than Queensland and would like to acquire a firearm from Rebel Gun Works:
1. Contact our friendly sales team to confirm the availability of the firearm.
2. Purchase the firearm, using one of our flexible payment options:
- Place a minimum 25% deposit on the firearm, with the total amount to be finalised within 6 weeks
- Ask our sales team for a quote on the paid in full price of the firearm
3. Apply for an acquisition form from your state or territory weapons registry, using your local dealer's details as the registered owner and disposer.
4. Pay the balance of the firearm and organise payment for postage and handling to your designated dealer.